With social media becoming a part of regular life over the course of the past 15 years - certain things that weren't issues in the past, are now. We vent online before reaching out to close friends and trust that it would would stay in the circle. Now, people consider their friends on Facebook Instagram Twitter or what have you as friends that they can trust sometimes and we tend to vent on on social media instead. This is not good... I've seen post where young women and young men talk about their personal issues, talk about their significant other or their baby mom with her baby dad not thinking about how this can affect their future job! Now-a-days employers actually look up individual Facebook accounts and you end up not getting hired. Is it really worth it? Never stop the flow of money! Another great reason is the fact that you don't want all your business in the street that gives you haters ammunition it also makes people feel like they're above you. Lastly, I'm going to address it's keeping shit mysterious. Women are attracted to men they don't know about or understand everything about you. This makes them interested. If they know you have a whole ton of drama going on then you kind of lose some of your Leverage in your courtships. I know this seems like a simple tip but it could mean the difference and the rest of your life watch what you post if you care about your future bro.
Mr. Jones's Man tips are based on personal life experiences and are intended to help others not make the same mistakes.
Mr. Jones