Would casual sex bring more harm or nah?
The problem is not getting attached, of course. You're most likely more prone to getting attached, especially to new people and it quickly turns into something it was never meant to be.....se la vi!
So can anyone do it? Should everyone try to detach and go with the flow? Are the traditional ways far behind us? Is sex now- a days- completely meaningless? What if you have kids? Sex just isn't the same.....OH THE HORROR!
Maybe just for some, but the struggle is real. Even when you want to have fun, it's too much to think about. But it is not the end all for some. If it's not for you, it's ok, but STOP HERE.
For the others.....welcome to the club!
Ive provide 6 unspoken rules to casual sex:
Check your emotions at the door.
Be yourself, only different
Be a gentle—and an animal
Control your portions
Pop the questions
Stare death in the face
*Proceed at your own risk. If you don't control your portions you run the risk of hurting or lying to someone who doesn't want something casual but you did it to quench your thirst. Don't be that person - it will not end well for either party.
The key is to find the person who wants the same things you want. There's plenty of like minded-people out there to go around. Literally....and just let the others be, and be honest. Simple.
So does wanting casual sex make me an empty person?
Not at all. be safe and have fun. Live on the wild side
I've provided a link below of fun little things to try with a new fling.... Get your 50 shades of Grey on! courtesy of Cosmopolitan.com
The Sex Doctor