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In south Africa, recycling is a way of life that not very many people incorporate into their everyday

Routine, mainly because most people are to lazy to think about what happens to the things they

Toss in the bin.

So instead of carless dumping your trash, one of the ways you can give a second life, is to reuse

Your glass jars, and use them as a novelty photo frame.

You will need:

A selection of different shaped glass jars

A bunch of your favorite photos


Paper Towels

Scissors/ cutting knife



Step 1: Remove the label

The best way to remove the gluey sticky mess after soaking off the labels on the jars, the secret is…

Doom. Yes, the insect killing spray of death! LOL

Simply spray a thick coat of Doom onto the stickiness, wait 5- 10 minutes, and then effortlessly wipe away the glue

With a kitchen towel. Rinse with hot water and soap. Easy peasy.

Step 2: Measure the Jar

Using your ruler, measure the height of the flat part of the jar

Step 3: Cut the Photo

Using your ruler, knife and pencil, trim the height of the photo neatly, to fit the height of the flat

Part of the jar.

Step 4: Place photo into the jar

Slightly roll the photo, with the image facing outwards, and inset it into the jar upside down.

You may need to adjust it so that it fits snugly into the jar.

Step 5: Display it!

Turn the jar upside down and display it somewhere special!

Or you have the option of a CD Cover as a picture Frame!!!

DIY Recycled CD Cover Frames

Every bit of plastic we recyle and resuse makes a difference. So her is a way you can

Make a difference, by reusing your CD boxes and photo frames.

You will need:

Clear plastic CD covers


Cutting knif

Cutting mat


Prestik or double sided tape

Step 1: Prepare the CD covers

Remove the paper inserts and the disc tray from the CD box. If necessary, wash the empty CD case with soap and warm water.

Step 2: Cut the photos to size. Using your pencil and cutting knife cut the photos to fit the case

Step 3: Insert the photos into the boxes. Insert the photo into the CD box with the picture downwards, once it’s snug in place pop the disc tray back in again to keep the photo in place.

Step 4: Display the photos!Using prestik, arrange your CD photo frames on your wall. Be creative, you can cut one large photo into smaller blocks and arrange them into a square, or make several individual images as a collage.

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