For any of those who love to travel and may be looking for great place to take the family. Let's go with the obvious- DISNEY WORLD!!! I have a much deeper appreciation for Disney. He wasn't lying when he said it's a place where dreams come true. He created such a beatiful place with the resorts and ferry boats to take you to which ever park. A true adventure and the message behind all his creations is so uplifting, motivatinal and just all around wonderful. It's a must see! I give Orlando Flordia and Walt Disney Five Stars *****. Orlando is definintely the sunshine state, the palm trees and weather are just impecable- I was torn as to which state was better Florida or California. I traveled to Daytonoa to look at the Atlantic and tan on the wonderful beach and it was as great as it could be. The people were great the transportaiton is multi-functional, so easy to get around and the people are easy going.This is definitely a travel destination